Precious stones and health

For millennia, people have used gemstones primarily for ornamental purposes. However, in both ancient and modern times, cultures around the world have also believed that gemstones could have healing properties. Let's take a look at some popular gems and the health benefits they are said to bring.

carved carnelian gemstone - Ancient Rome

In ancient times, healers believed that gemstones of carnelian could be used to treat blood disorders. This carnelian ring stone features a sculpture of Asclepius, the Roman god of medicine. Late Roman Republican or Imperial period, 1,1st century BC to 1,5rd century AD, 0,3 x 1881 x XNUMX cm. Gift of John Taylor Johnston, XNUMX. Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York. Public domain (cropped to show detail).

What is the best way to use gemstones for health benefits?

Some people use gems as part of their spiritual practices. They incorporate the gems into rituals to restore energy fields, achieve peace, and promote love and security. In some belief systems, practitioners actually place gemstones on certain areas of the body to promote healing. For most people, however, simply wearing a piece of jewelry made with a specific gemstone is enough. The gem does not need to enter direct contact with your skin .

Most gemstones are perfectly safe to wear as jewelry stones. (Of course, some are more durable of others). However, some gems – very few, like realize ed ekanite – may contain heavy metals and/or radioactive elements in quantities which could cause harm if worn. Close and prolonged exposure to such gems would likely outweigh any health benefits you might hope to gain.

Some crystal healers make potions with gems or place gems in a patient's mouth. In these cases, also avoid acid-soluble gems, even if they contain no known toxic materials. Stomach acids can react dangerously to impurities in these gems.

See our table on gemstone toxicity to know more.


People have appreciated amber as a jewelry stone since prehistoric times . Amber is an organic gem, formed from the hardened resin of ancient pine trees. Some pieces of amber contain inclusions spectacular insects and other animals. These connections with trees and animals have fostered a strong association between amber and nature.

Amber will also become electrically charged when rubbed on wool or silk, strengthening the connection with the "spark of life".

Yellow, brown, or red colored amber is found by some to be a powerful gemstone with uses ranging from treating headaches and stress to promoting self-expression. It is also said to promote cleansing and purification, which can help carry disease out of the body and relieve pain so the wearer can heal.


A gorgeous purple gemstone, amethyst is said to bring strength, courage and peace to the wearer. These benefits can help promote healing.

This soothing stone with peaceful properties and a tranquil energy can help unleash your creativity.

Because this stone has such tranquil qualities, it makes a great gift for anyone with anxiety, mood disorders, and addictions. The ancient Greeks believed that the amethyst could prevent drunkenness .

Wear amethyst everywhere to promote spiritual and physical health.


With the colors of the ocean, aquamarine is among the most beautiful gemstones you can buy. Since they are found in nature in large sizes, they are also among the largest gems cut .

There are many traditional beliefs associated with this gem. Aquamarine is said to help with digestive, eye and dental problems. In the past, sailors often used the aquamarine to bring them luck at sea. Today, some still use the stone for protection.

The stone is said to be a positive force that can bring happiness to the wearer and help them cope with the grieving process. Some people believe aquamarine promotes healing energy, reduces fear of water, and can even bring back a wayward lover. Some shamans use it as a meditation stone.

Even if they are named after them emeralds , the emerald cuts they can be used to show beautiful colors in many types of gemstones


The variety of quartz from yellow to reddish orange, citrine has enjoyed a surge in popularity with a renewed interest in “earth tone” jewelry. However, most citrines on the market today don't come out of the ground in these colors. The smoky quartz brown and amethyst (purple quartz) are usually heat treated to create citrines .

Wearing citrine jewelry is said to promote emotional well-being and increase positive energy. Some believe it can help with hearing impairments, digestive disorders, sleep problems, and pain and inflammation management.

She wears citrine in hers natural shape, if possible, to increase its positive benefits.

Citrines make very durable (and affordable) jewelry stones. Consult ours citrine buying guide to know more.


The garnets they can be of any color, but the best known are reds. Before the development of modern gemology, many people treated all transparent red gems as the same type of stone. Therefore, you will find many similarities between the garnet folklore and rubies .

Garnets with beautiful deep red hues are said to give energy to the wearer, which could help them deal with health issues.

Wear garnet to give your entire system a boost, revitalize your body, and promote your emotional well-being while boosting your confidence. The stone is also said to bring protection from evil and bad karma.

Wear your garnet anywhere, but close to the heart it is said to be optimal.


Of a beauty disturbing ,  moonstones they can have many different body colors but exhibit a distinctive, billowing, blue to white sheen similar to moonlight, known as flattery .

White or clear moonstone is said to help the wearer achieve balance, especially women.

Not surprisingly, moonstones have a lot symbolic connections with the Moon . Since ancient times, travelers have used this gem as a protective talisman. Moonstone jewelry has also been used to relieve anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can also promote creativity.

Some believe this gemstone can help combat ailments of childhood and old age, just like the Moon waxes and wanes.


The beautiful pearls are found naturally (but very rarely) inside both saltwater and freshwater molluscs, most famously oysters. Though the archetypal and most valued pearls are round and white , these organic gems can come in many shades, shapes and sizes. Their aquatic origins have inspired much of theirs symbolism .

Pearls are said to balance the entire body and create positive and happy feelings in the wearer. In traditional Asian medicinal systems, pearls have been used to treat diseased digestive systems, fertility problems, and heart problems.

Today, la powder of pearls it is used in makeup to get a glowing complexion. Some people believe it can also be used to treat many skin ailments such as rosacea.

Due to overharvesting, pollution and environmental changes, pearls are now very rarely found in nature. In fact, natural pearls are among the rarest gems in the world . Thanks to the cultivation of pearls, consumers have easy access to pearls cultivated or cultivate . These pearls still form inside molluscs as they do in nature, only pearl farmers carefully maintain the growing environment.

Rose Quartz

A popular gemstone, rose-colored quartz, is said to help heal aches. Closely associated with love, Rose Quartz appears to have a calming and gentle energy that can calm the agitated wearer.

To get the most benefit from a rose quartz, wear the gemstone as a pendant around your neck. This allows the stone to stay close to your heart and help close emotional wounds, foster self-love, and keep your heart open to positive relationships.

A rose quartz jewelry gift can be a wonderful message for someone going through a divorce, breakup, family estrangement, or any struggle with loneliness and lack of inner peace.

Will wearing the “wrong birthstone” bring bad luck?

Although the custom of associating gemstones with the month of a person's birth has ancient roots, the list of stones lucky charm they are relatively recent creations. The list of so-called “traditional” lucky stones dates back to the 1912th-XNUMXth centuries. In the United States, the list of so-called "modern" birthstones dates back to XNUMX.

Somewhere along the way, a belief also surfaced that wearing the wrong birthstone would bring bad luck. In particular, the pearl (June) and the opal (October) have acquired the reputation of bringing misfortune if worn by those not born in these months.

Keep in mind that birthstone customs have changed throughout history. Recently, jewelers have even added joint , citrine and tanzanite as modern alternative birthstones (for August, November and December respectively). Lists of birthstones also differ by country and culture. You can even find birthstones based on a variety of factors , from astrological signs to birth times and days of the week.

If you are interested in wearing gemstones with health benefits, don't worry about whether or not a particular gemstone is your true birthstone. After all, birthstone lists are hardly set in stone.

Always wear what you feel comfortable wearing.

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